if you know our
little big guyin real life
you know he is a boy's boy
he is
rough and
tumblehe is hands on
he is
he loves nothing more
wrestling with daddy on the floor
so about six months ago,
when he also wanted
to wrestle with his friends in
we decided to give him an outlet for his energy:
martial arts!and a match made in heaven they are!
he loves every minute of it!
he is learning to
defend himself,
when it is appropriate to do so,
and that
discipline and
hard work pay off!
he earned his yellow belt
{with white stripe}recently and is so
proud of his accomplishment!
he has also filled us in on his plans...
to become an
mma fighter when he grows up...oiy!

so last week, he went to
vacation bible schoolon the first day he comes home with a
apparently he was intentionally
pushed by another
energetic young lad
{this according to the teacher}and did a face plant on the play structure.
okay, those things happen, he
shrugged it off,
and i was just thankful he didn't start it!
the next day i am buckling him in the car
and i see
two red scratch marks on his neck
i ask about it and he says some boy did it
but he
conveniently couldn't remember the rest!
alrighty then...maybe a lesson
love thy neighborcould be covered in vbs???
so a few days later, he asks me to feel
the back of his
i do, and much to my surprise, it is all
scratched up
and scabbed over!
i ask what happened and this is the
him: well remember the day i had the scratches on my neck?
me: yes...
him: well, i might get in trouble for telling you this...
me: just tell me, you will not be in trouble!
him: well, this boy, he scratched me on the neck
i don't know why, but i did what sifu said to do when
we get attacked...
me: {as the blood drains from my face} and that is?
him: i put him in a
full mountme: you what?!?!?!him: i put him in a full mount
me: i heard you! why on earth did you do that? and at bible school?
him: cuz i was defending myself
me: ummm...okay...
him: it ended when he grabbed my ear
me: at bible school honey?!
him: yeah, and when i get older i am going to do it in one of those cages!
o heavens...a conversation followed
concerning the fact that he is going to
Kin a few weeks
and he is
NOT to touch another person
even if he thinks he is defending himself
i gently reminded him that
mommyworks at the school and i
will knowwhat goes on...
except i don't think he cares!
this might be a long school year!