Tuesday, September 30, 2008
in the bag!
i have my bag picked out, do you!?
visit HandBag Planet...they are giving a bag away every hour for 24 hours!
they sure know the way to a woman's heart!
Monday, September 29, 2008
she is my mirror

Friday, September 26, 2008
nobody said this job is easy!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
one man's trash...
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
so that explains it...
I thought it was just a cute picture dreamed up in the mid of a girl who likes all things girly.
perhaps not...
here is our bedtime conversation:
olivia: i told jacob, (friend at school), that my mom and dad will never break up
me: well that was nice to say, because we don't ever plan on breaking up honey
olivia: well he told me that's not true, and you will one day
holy schmoly jacob! thanks for the confidence!
i explained to her that he does not know mommy and daddy, and that sadly, maybe he has had to deal with this in his own life.
aren't kids just grand reality checks sometimes!?
for those of you who were not there...
Sunday, September 21, 2008
we're off to see the wizard...

- Auntie Em: Now you go feed those hogs before they worry themselves into anemia! (my fave)
- Wicked Witch of the West: I'll get you my pretty... and your little dog too! (olivia's fave)
- Glinda, the Good Witch of the North: Only bad witches are ugly. (kelly's fave)
- Tin Woodsman: Now I know I have a heart, because it's breaking (surely not mason's fave, but let's pretend it is)
now, for some Oz trivia: did you know...
- The "oil" that was used to lubricate the Tin Man was not really oil. It was discovered that oil would not photograph well, so they used chocolate syrup instead.
- Shirley Temple was first considered for the role of Dorothy.
- Buddy Ebsen had been cast as the Scarecrow, and now switched roles with Bolger. But the aluminum powder makeup for the Tin Woodsman was toxic and Ebsen apparently had an allergic reaction to it as well. He left the picture, but his voice can still be heard in "Off to see the Wizard".
- Judy Garland's dress and blouse were in reality not white but pale pink. True white did not photograph properly in Technicolor and made the blue of her checked dress seem too bright.
- Many of the Wicked Witch of the West's scenes were either trimmed or deleted entirely, as Margaret Hamilton's performance was thought too frightening for audiences.
- During the haunted forest scene, several actors playing the Winged Monkeys were injured when the piano wires suspending them snapped, dropping them several feet to the floor of the sound stage.
- According to lead Munchkin Jerry Maren, the "little people" on the set were paid $50 per week for a 6-day work week, while Toto received $125 per week.
for much more Oz trivie, click here.
and finally, before the movie, olivia wanted to be the wicked witch, now she wants to be dorothy. mason still wants to be the lion. should be a fun halloween!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
mommy's turn
so today, feeling like i could use some extra time at work without my dear first grade daughter lurking and saying, " mommy look" every 10 seconds, i did it. i know, it wasn't dinner and margaritas with the gals, but it is a start!
i simply said:
"the son needs to be picked up by 4 and then come get the daughter."
and of course he said, "okay, no problem!"
WHAT!?!?!? so i could/should have been doing this sooner?
anyhoo, i sense that he was making up for the other night...
when i got home:
kids fed: check
kitchen cleaned up: check
homework started: check
now, plan B, work this in more often! but next time, i promise myself a more social outing, not standing at the copy machine at school!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
is that a shoe print on your face?
wednesday woes
excuse my complaining in any of them
i rarely do that on here
but it is my blog
i'm entitled if i want
- and yes, this is first because it is heaviest on my mind...WHY is it that, in general, mommies do not have the luxury of calling home at 4:59 PM and saying, "Hey, bossman x asked y, z, and me out to dinner. I told him I'd talk to you first." Okay...first, he knows i am not going to say no...i'm not that wife. but it comes down to this...i could NEVER call from my place of work and say, "Hey, teacher gal x asked teachers y, z, and me out to dinner." that is too much for a daddy to handle. but you know what...i think i am going to pull one of these real soon...and y'all will be the first to know how it goes! did i mention i was putting a pot of chili on the stove when he called? (fyi...there will be no rebuttal here from the man of the house, just so you know!)
- mason, God love him. he has been struggling with nice hands at preschool in the last two weeks. he gets a sticker at school on a chart for using nice hands. when he gets all 5 in one week, he gets a prize. week 1, four stickers; week 2, (this week), no sticker today. on the way home, i asked him to tell me why he didn't get a sticker. he would not. but he did inform me that he wanted to watch a cartoon when he got home. i said, "sorry son, no sticker at school, no cartoon when you get home, that is how it works." to which he replied, "well, if you say that to me, i will not be your cuddle bug anymore." i'm not worried though, he can't resist a good cuddle!
- and lastly...olivia started CCD at church today after school. (every weds) (for those of you wondering what that is...christian education basically) so she tells me they were working on their pictures and the girl sitting across from them tells she and her friend to shut up and that their pictures are ugly. oh, and did i mention this is the teacher's daughter? details, details. hopefully they will learn more christianly behaviors than that!
well, that's all folks
my mind feels better
the scoop of chocolate ice cream i ate while posting didn't hurt either...
maybe that's why my pants ripped the other day!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
wwyd? (what would you do?)
before that we went to the post office.
back at home, i notice...
A GINORMOUS hole in the A** of my PANTS!
ok, these pants, a fave of mine, were washed to death
that is what i tell myself, instead of thinking me rear is growing!
i have NO idea if it happened when i was at home
or if i exited the theater flashing the folks behind my
with my bright white undies!
the tear started along the seam of the pocket
and went south from there
frighteningly large.
how the hell did i not feel a draft?
so here is my question...
if you saw some poor woman
walking out of the post office
or out of the movie theater,
would you tell her she is flashing the world?
PS no picture with this post folks!
Monday, September 8, 2008
weekend recap...
this is what's not to like about sunday...
the next day is monday
and we are thrown back into the ebb and flow of the daily grind we call school and work
we had a very low key, laid back weekend
bike riding to the park...although 100 degrees is not enjoyable...
a father daughter dance on the living room floor, requested by olivia, to a rather funny song choice on the radio, but sweet nonetheless!
some apple dippin'...
lots of game playing
a whole lot of laundry
oh yeah, and haircuts, where, um, mason got a crew cut
...not intended...she missed the instructions to scissor cut the top...buzzzzzzzzzzz...
good weekend, aren't they all!? we love