once upon a time
a most deserving
mom, irol,
got a shiny new
green ipod
she fell in love
she could do anything
with those little buds filling
her ears with harmonious tunes
it happened:
she popped the buds in her ears,
scrolled to her fave artist,
but...wait...it was missing
as were ALL of her tunes!
she immediately went to her hubs
who had recently added new music
{read: HIS music}
to the tiny green wonder,
surely he had to know where
her tunes went!
after much debate over
whether it was intentional
or accidental
irol and hubs finally concluded
that synching it up on a diff
computer was the problem
irol immediately became way less
productive around the house
her ears were no longer filled
with the sounds she loved
to take her mind off of the fact
that chores suck!
finally, music restored,
irol and her jolly green friend
were reunited!
her kitchen has never been cleaner,
despite letting something boil over
whilst deep in her music,
and her hubs is back to complaining
about her singing out loud...
perhaps he should invest in some
especially since she has vowed
to don the buds for at least
30 min a day
in order to achieve the cleanest
palace in the kingdom...
and of course to drive the hubs crazy!
1 week ago
i love it!!!!!!
darn men.......do they just not understand!?!??!!?!?
My husband HATES it when I clean with my mp3 on, and is constantly complaining that no one else can hear the music. Too bad for them! Wine + laundry + Snow Patrol = HEAVEN!
Glad you got the music back!
Nice Ipod...maybe my next one will be like that..but I love mine..mom
Ahh, I know that feeling very well! My hub likes to fill my ipod with his music in hopes of broadening my music tastes. I'm very picky about what's on my pod.
BTW- stopping by to thank you for the card...Thanks!
Hey if she is cleaning let her sing as loud as she wants!
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