Art corps
Breaks from school a family
Desks...can they get any messier?
Eating outside on nice days
Family fun night and family movie night
Grade book...amen for computerized ones!
Hot lunch anyone?
I have eyes in the back of my head...really.
Jr. high...that's where my kiddos are headed next! me a fierce game!
Library...ahhh, quiet time!
Meetings, meetings, meetings
No child left behind...hee hee hee. {the only thing you can do is laugh!}
Outdoor education, aka, 6th grade camp
Pink slips handed out soon...ugh
Quit doing that...if i had a penny for every time that's uttered reading to my students
Smart did i teach without one?
Textbooks...can they make them heavier please?
Unique...all of them are their own selves
Voices...i hear voices...31 voices...
Weekends...i live for them!
Xtra credit...don't give it
Yakitty yak yak...that's what 6th graders do!
Zero patience for whining!
1 week ago
What a great list of things!!
Great job!
I just couldn't muster up the talent for the ABC thing!
Sweet. I remember 6th grade...I loved it!
I taught for 32 years and I can relate to much of this. I taught art at all grade levels, but mostly Jr. Hi and middle school. I loved that level ---the students were still "little kids: yet I could see them blossoming into young adults ---but they did drive me crazy at times, but it was a short drive.
I couldn't find the right words to make the ABC work, but you did. Good job.
You have an incredibly busy job!
great job, that was really cool.
Visiting from Mama Kat's...
This was great ... I loved it! Wasn't this a fun prompt to do! It totally gave an insight into the life of a teacher in a fun way! I very much enjoyed this. Thanks!
Love it!
Too cute. Nice job.
i like it!!!! i sent you an email with my info!!!!
i'm excited...i love this kind of stuff!!!!
now i have to come up with what i am going to send!!!!
Love your list! Very clever!
Great job. A busy woman you are!
HA sounds like my prep list for next years adventure! I better take notes.
Great Job!
A very imaginative list. I enjoyed it very much. You have a great blog!
6th grade! You are brave! I also have a zero tolerance for whining policy!
Great list!!
As a mom of 5, "no child left behind" is a motto of mine. "Left behind" as in REALLY, left, as in not in the car with everyone else... :-)
Great list!
Very creative!!
LOVED that! I am a teacher loving my Smartboard, too!
Interesting list! Visiting from SITS. Have a good weekend.
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