I live: the Cowboy capitol of the world...not lying, and not sure who designated it that!
I work: as a 6th grade teacher
I smell: popcorn
I listen: to the boy in his bed playing with legos
I hide: toys that annoy me. come on, you know you do too!
I walk: on legos all the time...ouch!
I write: lists until the cows come home
I see: only with my glasses or contacts
I sing: the silliest, made up songs to my kids...i hope it never gets old for them!
I can: multitask...well
I watch: too much reality tv...i am a people watcher!
I daydream: not as often as i used to!
I want: to go on the honeymoon that hubs and i never had!
I cry: during sappy movies! all.the.time.
I read: a lot, but since having kids, fall asleep too soon while reading at night
I love: my kids more than they know!
I rode: a horse that had bad gas. (wow, random)
I sometimes: wonder what i would do if i did not teach...
I fear: losing family
I hope: to travel more this year
I eat: food...need i expand on that?
I'm addicted: to facebook and blogging and twittering...help me! offer me intervention and i will go! (somewhere beachy please!)
I drink: water, oj, decaf white mochas and the occasional caffeine free coke
I play: games with my kids in the evening
I miss: family
I forgive: myself
I drive: everyday
I lost: playing sequence tonight
I dream: about weird stuff
I kiss: hubs a lot
I hug: often
I remember: all my old addresses
I don't: like to clean
I believe: i need a cleaning lady
I owe: on my student loan
I know: my abc's
I hate: cleaning
I wish: i could keep the weight off
I wear: clothes
My ex: will never change. thankfully that is no longer my problem!
Maybe I should: go to bed
People would say that I'm: heck,not sure...what would y'all say?
I don't understand: why we all just can't get along!
Life is full of: laughter and love
My past is: part of me...wouldn't change it for the world
I get annoyed when: parents don't take responsibility
Parties are: fun!
Tomorrow: never comes...
Never in my life have I: been arrested.
When I was younger, I: was thinner!
When I'm nervous: my belly hurts!
When I was 5: i learned to tie my shoe by watching sesame street
My life is not complete without: my kids
If you visit my hometown: you will see the famous y bridge!
The world could do without: commercials
If I ever go back to school: i'd love every minute of it!
And, by the way: if you are lurking...please let me know you are here! let me hear you!
1 week ago
good job--here is me--
I love my kids unconditionally.
I love my grandkids openly.
I have got the best man ever.
I would love to travel more.
I love to hug my family&myfriends.
I love my pets.
I miss my parents alot.
I miss my in-laws alot.
I love living in Ohio
I am happy with my job
that was your mom there above...
Lori that was an awesome list :) we're getting some snow here..well, mock snow. It pretends it's snowing then it stops, but there's a coating on my picnic table and over the grass...this is February!! We should have LOADS of it now!
I do care! LOL
And yes, your farting horse was VERY random.
What a great list!
Good list!! Miss you!!
That is an awesome list. Thanks for sharing!
Love this. Am so stealing this later in the week.
Ready for Monday Madness? :)
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